Dot the Eye is an artbook and basic encyclopedia that details symbolism throughout Chinese history. This work encapsulates my interests in the applications of symbolism and symbols within Chinese culture.

For the last year and a half I have researched Chinese garments and the symbols found throughout the history of Chinese culture. Initially, I looked into the evolution of Chinese clothing and how it had evolved in both functionality and aesthetics, but as I researched I became more intrigued by the symbols that were often incorporated into these garments. Symbols and their use in Chinese society can be traced back to the beginning of the Chinese Mandarin language; the characters that we know today originated from basic image representations. This importance of imagery became more prominent as civilizations in the region progressed and resulted in a pictorial dictionary of common symbols that held both aesthetic and social importance.

To explore these subjects I decided to create an artbook that features some of these symbols. After choosing the various symbols I wanted to highlight, I wrote short articles describing each one in both their appearance, what they represented, and how they may have been used. I then made a basic layout for the book to provide structure. I illustrated each symbol and developed a specific visual language for the artbook, inputting symbols by section. I ended up with seven sections of symbols that I had fully illustrated, designed, written about, and assembled into an artbook. This book was a way to dive headfirst into some of my interests while also pushing my own comfort zone by developing a large-scale project outside my usual stylistic choices.

I wanted to use my research in both historical Chinese fashion and the symbols of Chinese culture to create a work that features these subjects in a more modern form. I also wanted to make something based on my own cultural background. This book was an opportunity for me to apply both the research I had done and the knowledge I already had into one end product that showcases my improved understanding of the intersection of my interests and my culture.